This past Saturday morning I photographed 4 little kiddos, from two families. They reminded me a lot of my kids and my nieces, how they are more like siblings than cousins. I love that relationship, the kids are never afraid to be themselves! Which was definitely the case with the kiddos on Saturday. Mr. Noah, the oldest boy, was totally a free spirit! A 4 yr old free spirit is one of my favs to photograph, because they like to go a little nuts. It drives mom and dad crazy, but us photographers love it! Just them being them, it's a blast!! We got a bunch of really sweet pictures, some mellow pictures, and some hilarious pictures. I've included a little of each in my sneak peek!
A snuggle with Nana!
Sorry that I didn't have these images up earlier, my kids got sick over the weekend and I am just now catching up. Puke=yucky :(
One of my very best friends had her baby boy on St. Patty's day. I wanted to call him Lucky, but after thinking it over Lucky really makes me want to eat Lucky charms and I don't think the two go hand in hand very well. I'll stick to just Elijah;) He was a perfect little man today, hardly cried at all, and he loves his mommy, it is plain to see! He even had a few big poops for us, which was very exciting! It is so amazing to see a little one so fresh and new to this world. He looks nothing like his sister did as an infant, he is very BOY, and very expressive....I fell in love immediately. sigh .
I took a picture almost identical to this one of Amelia, Elijah's big sister, when she was just a few weeks old.
I am so excited to announce my Fan Page on Facebook! I am still in the process of getting more images up there and organizing everything, but it is a good start! In response to all who join my page, I am offering a special- beginning now and continuing through the month of April- Any sessions SCHEDULED during this time will receive three of these adorable mini albums. That doesn't mean your session has to take place in March or April, you just have to schedule your date/time and pay your session fee to hold the date. Easy Peasy!
Yesterday was the first wedding of the season for me and it was a wonderful start! Tricia and Matt's wedding was beautiful, the details were perfect- Tricia's gorgeous dress, the spectacular floral arrangements, the beautiful rings, and their awesome friends and family!
Thank you so much for having us be part of your day, it couldn't have been more perfect!
The Gorgeous bride:
Matt, looking very handsome!
Instead of kissing to the normal clinking of glasses or singing a love song, Matt and Tricia chose to do something different, and SO cool. They took donations of money to put towards their fundraiser for cancer awareness and research. They got a great response!! Which meant lots and lots of kissing!!!!
Who knew you could make a bunny out of your dinner napkin??? This fam was hilarious! I have no idea who they are, but they seemed nuts!! ;) ;) ;)
Angie is one of my very favorite people, we are so similar.... except for some minor details....she cleans and cooks and is an amazing crafter...and a few other little things. My dear friend is pregnant with twin boys and is about 30 weeks along. She is amazing, her pregnancy has not been an easy one and she has spent a huge chunk of it on strict bed rest. Recently her doc began allowing her more freedom and cleared her to come and take some maternity pictures with me. I just love Ang and I knew she would bring some cute goodies along...she brought tons of cute goodies along, I think we used almost everything. :)
I love LOVE LOVE this first picture of her. She is so beautiful!
I had a wonderful little visitor this morning, her name is Aubrey. How could we not get along perfectly? She played a little bit shy at first, but then we had a discussion about her feeties, and all was good :) I love her age, my little girl is also three and there were so many funny moments today that I could totally relate to. Miss Aubrey is just simply adorable!
I love my sisters, all of them, even when they tease me and bug me ;) I photographed these lovely sisters yesterday and they were wonderful. They weren't afraid to laugh and be a little silly, which I love! It was so gorgeous outside, 63 degrees, unbelievable. If it snows again I am not showing my face until it melts...I am so over winter. The sunny weather meant that we could head outdoors and so we did! It felt great to shoot outside without a jacket on and no snow piles to shlump through. Thanks for a great shoot ladies!!